Vil sikre arbeiderrettigheter under gjenoppbyggingen

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Fellesforbundets leder, Jørn Eggum, på talerstolen under DEFS-kongressen i Berlin.
Fellesforbundets leder, Jørn Eggum, på talerstolen under DEFS-kongressen i Berlin.

Vil sikre arbeiderrettigheter under gjenoppbyggingen

Respekt for arbeidstakerrettigheter må være sentralt under gjenoppbyggingen av Ukraina, vedtok den europeiske arbeistakerorganisasjonen ETUC.


- Russlands krigføring i Ukraina har avstedkommet en av de største humanitære katastrofene i Europa siden 2. verdenskrig. Det siste halvannet året har vært en periode med sjokk og smerte, tragiske nyheter og bilder, men også en påminnelse om tapperhet til det ukrainske folket, sa Jørn Eggum da han, på vegne av LO og ukrainsk fagbevegelse la frem en resolusjon om gjenoppbyggingen av Ukraina på ETUC-kongressen i Berlin i mai.

Han pekte på at solidaritet vil være nøkkelen i gjenoppbyggingen av Ukraina til et demokratisk og uavhengig land, med fokus på respekt for fundamentale menneskerettigheter og sosial dialog. Han viste til at gjenoppbyggingen av Ukraina vil bli en enorm oppgave, når krigen er over og at landet vil være avhengig av både nasjonal og internasjonal solidaritet i denne prosessen.

- Ukrainas fremtid hvilket på et rettferdig og likestilt samfunn hvor arbeidere og deres familier kan blomstre. Imidlertid må sosial dialog og respekt for arbeidstakerrettigheter og kollektive forhandlinger være et grunnleggende fundament for gjenoppbyggingen av Ukraina, sa Eggum fra talerstolen.

- Det er også viktig å sikre at ukrainsk fagbevegelse blir inkludert i planlegging av og utførelse av gjenoppbyggingen, la han til.

Ifølge Eggum er krigen i Ukraina er en smertefull påminnelse om hvor skjørt demoraktiet er i møte med autoritære krefter og hvordan voksende ulikhet og maktkonsentrasjon og polarisering øker risikoen for konflikt. 

- Vi må mobilisere mot anti-demokratiske krefter og kjempe for demokrat, menneskerettigheter og faglige rettigheter, sa Eggum.

Les hele resolusjonen LO fikk støtte for her:

Proposal for the emergency resolution on Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction and solidarity support to the ETUC affiliates in Ukraine. 

Submitted by LO Norway (The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions), FPU (Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine) and KVPU (Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine) 

The world’s aspiration for peaceful, harmonious, and sustainable development is a fundamental value and an essential condition for ensuring decent life and free human development, and for respecting international labour norms and standards.

The European trade union movement condemns the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and expresses its full support and solidarity with the Ukrainian people in their struggle for independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity.

We call on governments and international organisations to increase pressure on the Russian Federation to immediately, completely and unconditionally cease hostilities and withdraw all armed forces from the internationally recognised borders of Ukraine.

We call on all ETUC affiliates to cooperate constructively in helping to address the current challenges related to security, including food security, economy, energy, including nuclear energy, finance, and environment, and stress that measures for comprehensive, just, and lasting peace in Ukraine must take these factors into account.

Rebuilding Ukraine will be an enormous task, and all necessary measures must be taken now to ensure that Ukrainians can return to normal life as soon as possible after the end of the war and build a competitive, green, digital economy that will ensure prosperity for all Ukrainians.

Ukraine’s reconstruction and recovery plans must include fair working conditions, respect for labour laws, promotion of decent work through collective bargaining, safe and healthy working environment, and lifelong learning opportunities.

The ETUC affiliates will continue to assist Ukrainian trade unions in restoring their activities, including in the de-occupied territories, provide humanitarian support to victims, promote integration of Ukrainian refugees into labour markets and ensure equal and dignified treatment in the workplace and in society, and prevent and combat all forms of exploitation and discrimination.

Social dialogue, which is at the heart of ILO Conventions and the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, should be one of the main instruments of interaction between the government, employers and workers on issues related to economic and social recovery of the country.

More than ever, Ukraine’s reconstruction and new industrial and employment policies require unity, which is impossible without the rule of law, social justice, and respect for the rights of workers and trade unions. 

We call on the government of Ukraine to fully restore social dialogue and consultation with the social partners in the design, implementation and monitoring of national social and economic policies aimed at the current and post-war recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine in line with the requirements of EU membership, in order to guarantee transparency and equity, and to ensure that resources are directed to where they are most needed.

We call on the government of Ukraine to uphold international labour standards and protect the rights of all workers, regardless of size of the company they work for, including fair pay, safe working conditions and the right to collective bargaining.

The ETUC urges the comprehensive legislative reforms in Ukraine and the expects improvement of the legal provisions on collective bargaining and agreements and stresses the need for the ILO and the EU technical assistance to Ukraine in implementing international labour standards and social and labour guarantees.

Solidarity is the key to rebuilding Ukraine as a democratic, sovereign and just country that has chosen a European future.

Solidarity forever!