The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO Norway)

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Welcome from Peggy Hessen Følsvik - President of the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions

A strong labour union and cooperation is the key to achieve a better working life. Here in Norway, thanks to common rules, the government, the labour unions and the employers organisations, manage to find broad based compromises that deliver for everyone.

The Norwegian Model - A supermodel that benefits all

Roger Bjørnstad - Chief Economist, LO Norway on The story of the Norwegian Model - or supermodel - is a story that goes from strike and lockout to negotiations between labor organisations and the employer organisations. The result is- a model with small wage differentials, small inequality and high employment and high economic growth - a win-win situation for both worker, employer and society in general.

Recruiting and maintaining union members secures a better future

Unions allow workers to come together with a powerful voice and make the opinion of its members reach management and political leaders. Collectively we can achieve positive impacts on people's lives, as well as great improvements to society as a whole.

Panel discussion on tripartite cooperation - NHO, LO, Government

Peggy Hessen Følsvik, Secretary General of LO Hadia Tadjik, former Minister of Labour Ole Erik Almlid, Director General of Norwegian Enterprise How can it be that the collaboration between the social partners of Norway's working life is less like a boxing match and more like a dance? How do they handle strikes, demonstrations and discontent? And why do they even bother to cooperate when the social partners have such conflicting interests?

Scenario 1: Sexual harassment in the workplace

Maria is discussing a project she is working on, but her colleague Peter is paying more attention to her legs. That sparks a discussion about sexual harassment in the office.

Gender Equality

Synnøve Konglevoll - Former Special Adviser on Gender Equality The Nordic countries are the most gender equal societies in the world. Three reasons can be found in the presentation of the Nordic Model: We are countries with high employment rates, pushed forward by economic and government politics. We are strong welfare states, also very important to gender equality. We have regulated labour markets, essential to gender equality.

Scenario 3: Changing rooms

Maria wants to use the fitness room in the office, but is missing a place to change. Her colleague Peter is asking for separate changing rooms for men and women.

Summer patrol

Bjarne Lagesen - Advisor, LO Norway LO’s summer patrols travel all around Norway and visit young people in their summer jobs. Knocking on doors and asking managers if they have employees for the summer, the summer patrol checks that their rights are being upheld and that they understand their duties.


Social dialogue is an important tool for trade unions

Julie Lødrup, First Secretary of the Norwegian Confederations of Trade Unions, LO Norway: Our task as a trade union is to get the best results for our members. One of the most important tools is a continual social dialogue with the government and the employers.

Scenario 2: Pay rise

Anna is asking for a pay rise after a changed job position with more responsibility. But time spent on maternity leave and child care is making her boss question if she deserves it.

Collective agreements and individual rights regulates your work life

A collective agreement is an agreement between an employer and a trade union concerning pay and working conditions. The size of your salary and other benefits depends on the terms agreed in the agreements. Your basic rights are regulated in the Working Environment Act

Norwegian Grants Project

Tripartite cooperation

by Jonas Bals, advisor at LO Norway

Working environment

by Cecilie Sjåland, advisor at LO Norway


Lønnsgapet mellom kvinner og menn blir knapt mindre. Hvorfor er det sånn? Og hva skal til for at gapet raskere skal bli mindre? Velkommen til frokostmøte!

Frokostmøte 19. oktober

Tjue prosent av befolkningen, eller én million mennesker, leier boligen de bor i. Andelen leietakere har økt de siste årene ettersom færre har råd til å kjøpe bolig. Den økonomiske ulikheten øker mellom dem som eier sin egen bolig og de som er prisgitt et trangt leiemarked. Er det på tide med endring?

Frokostmøte: Hvor skal arbeidsfolka bo?

Velkommen til frokostmøte og presentasjon av rykende ferske tall i LOs boligindeks. LO inviterer på innsikt og debatt om bolig og arbeid i LO medias studio i Møllergata 10, med frokost fra kl. 08.15.

LOs representantskapsmøte

LOs representantskap behandler retningslinjer for årets lønnsoppgjør.

8. mars

LO og Arbeiderpartiet markerer kvinnedagen på Kulturhuset.

Førpremiere og panelsamtale: Norwegian Dream

Torsdag 9. mars kl. 16.00 blir det førpremiere av filmen Norwegian Dream på Odeon kino, med panelsamtale etterpå.

Frokostmøte: Bør vi skattlegge bolig hardere i Norge?

Boligsektoren i Norge har på noen tiår gått fra å være en utjevningsmotor til å bli en ulikhetsmaskin. Er økt skatt på bolig nødvendig for å fordele boligverdier bedre? Hvorfor er boligskatt så lite populært i Norge – og er det på tide å endre?

Streikemarkering på Youngstorget

Sending fra streikemarkeringen på Youngstorget torsdag 18. april klokka. 14.00. Det blir appeller fra LO-leder Peggy Hessen Følsvik, leder i Fellesforbundet Jørn Eggum og Arne Larsen fra NNN.

LOs representantskap Bergen

Frokostmøte: Nye regler for innleie - vil det føre til færre ulykker?